orange disco ball pin.jpg

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Daily Disco: Studio Intern Work

During the Summer of 2016, I had the opportunity to be a studio intern for Abbey Eilermann at her company Daily Disco. She makes custom embroidered jackets for her clients, along with enamel pins, patches, and other accessories. I was able to create illustrations to be made into projects during my time there.


Disco Citrus Design


This is an illustration that I did for Daily Disco’s collaboration with the beverage company Sparkling Ice. The design was ultimately made into both a jacket and a pin. The numbers on the illustration each indicate a color of thread for the embroidery, so that she could follow the pattern more easily.

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A breakdown of the brand's colors and how they would work in the design.


The final embroidered Jacket

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A close-up of the embroidered jacket.

The design (along with a jacket design that I collaborated on) was also featured on Sparkling Ice’s Instagram. You can see the post by clicking the button below.


Tag Redesign


One of the projects that I worked on while I was there was a redesign for the tags that get pinned onto the jackets before they are shipped out. We decided to go with a pink disco ball with sparkles in order to reference her logo and other branding materials.


The final tag pinned onto a jacket.

Jaws Jacket


This shark is a design I did for a jacket for a little boy. He knew he wanted a shark on the back, so I decided to make it look like it was coming out of the jacket.

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The jacket in the process of being embroidered


The final embroidered jacket.


A design that I did for a jacket of a client’s pet bunny. The client wanted the illustration to look just like her pet bunny, so I made sure that the colors and patterning were true to the bunny in real life. Each number corresponds to a color of thread so that she could follow the pattern of the embroidery more easily.

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The final embroidered jacket.

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These are a few illustrations I did that were made circular buttons. They were sold at an art fair along with her other products at her booth.