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Action Figures: Medieval Tournament

Action Figures: Medieval Tournament

A collection of three scenes in which the characters of a medieval tournament are in action. The scenes show the tournament from start to finish, with each one leading to the next. Each illustration was made using ink and watercolor.

arming scene 6.jpg

The first scene is an arming scene, in which two squires are arming one of the jousters for battle. The fighter stands proud and serious, while the squires seem more nervous and playful. To create the pattern on the chainmail, I used ink to draw swirls and then overlaid this pattern onto the character.

fight scene 3.jpg

The second scene is the battle scene, in which two jousters and one foot soldier battle it out. One of the jousters seems to be flying back on his horse, being pushed off by the jouster on the left.

victory scene 5.jpg

In the final scene we see the victor of the battle. He raises his flag with pride, as one squire happily runs to help him and the other plays the triumphal horn.